“Everyone”: Ex-ski jumpers give fraud

The fraud scandal in ski jumping always takes on powerful dimensions. Confessing three Norwegian ex-stars, cheating, but at the same time relativized. The problem lies with the World Association FIS.

As part of the ongoing discussions about the suit scandal at the World Cup in Trondheim, several former Norwegian ski jumper have admitted to cheating on their career. “Everyone really does that,” said Daniel-Andre Tandé, Team Olympic champion 2018 in Pyeongchang, Norwegian broadcasting NRK and added: “Yes, I dare to say that I have done this several times.”

In addition to Tande, Jacobsen and Johan Remen Evensen also admitted to participating in competitions during their careers with manipulated material. “Fraud” is a “hard word,” said Jacobsen, who won the four -hill tour in 2007. “But I can’t say with my hand on my heart that I didn’t do it. Because if fraud by definition means having a suit that is a little too big, then I cheated. “

“Arbitrary and inconsistent”: Tande fis takes responsibility

Sentences like this sound pretty incredible, but the ex-stars are not aware of any special guilt. The former athletes don’t just see the problem in their own nation. He would “in no way defend the fraud of the Norwegian team, which had jumped with manipulated suits at the World Cup last weekend,” emphasized Tande. However, the responsibility for this is primarily with the FIS ski world association, which is too arbitrary and inconsistent.

“The principle in the sport is if you are not caught, you didn’t cheat,” said Evensen: “And that is an attitude problem that has spread into the entire leap in all nations.”

Tande even claimed that FIS would influence the results through random and arbitrary controls. “It is best for the product if a Norwegian wins when ski flying takes place in Norway, or an Austrian when ski flying takes place in Austria,” said Tande: “This is known.”

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