Basketball: Ludwigsburg misses semi -finals

Ludwigsburg misses semi -finals

Basketball Bundesliga club Ludwigsburg is eliminated in the quarter-finals from the Europa Cup against Dijon.

Assistant coach Masell coaches the giants today

Assistant coach Masell coaches the giants today

Basketball Bundesliga club Ludwigsburg is eliminated in the quarter-finals from the Europa Cup against Dijon.

The MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg were under pressure in the Europe Cup and also collected a bitter defeat in the second leg: Despite home advantage, the basketball Bundesliga club lost to JDA Bourgogne Dijon on Wednesday evening with 72:83 (35:40) and thus passed the arrival into the semi-finals.

Ludwigsburg had to report some short -term failures, including head coach John Patrick. Nevertheless, the giants initially started the game strongly under assistant coach Lars Masell and after the 75:88 first leg defeat, but then got behind, but then got behind and no longer recovered from it.

The best thrower for the giants was Yorman Bartolo with 21 points. On the other hand, Christian Sengfelder, EM bronze medalist from 2022, convinced as the second best thrower of the guests with 15 points.

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