Riiber cracked: combiner violinist wins World Cup revanches

Victory in Oslo: Vinzenz Geiger

Combined Vinzenz Geiger beats top star Jarl Magnus Riiber. In the “living room” of the Norwegian, the Oberstdorfer won his seventh season.

Combined Vinzenz Geiger won the World Cup revanche and Norway’s top star Jarl Magnus Riiber broke out in his hometown Oslo. The Oberstdorfer prevailed at the World Cup on the Holmenkollen in a gripping target against the record world champion and celebrated his seventh win of the season.

“I could divide it up really well. Now I’m just thinking of running from races, ”said Geiger on ZDF . This also maintains his chances of winning the overall World Cup.

Geiger dreams of the first crystal ball

In three outstanding races, Riiber (1395 points) only leads with 71 points ahead of Geiger (1324) – a maximum of 300 points can still be won. Riiber would be the first combinator to win the overall ranking for the sixth time, for Geiger it would be the first crystal ball.

At the World Cup in Trondheim, Riiber, who ended his career at the end of the season, won both individual titles. Geiger won the team title with the German team – also because Norwegian Jörgen Graabak was disqualified in jumping.

The Austrian Franz-Josef Rehrl came third on Saturday. In Wendelin Thannheimer (6th), Johannes Rydzek (7th) and Julian Schmid (10th), the three other Oberstdorfer from the Gold Quartet from Trondheim to the top 10.

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